Feb 25, 2020

Tips for LinkedIn Company Pages


Once you have your LinkedIn company page up and running (if not, see our blog “A beginner’s guide to LinkedIn” to get started), you will want to get great engagement and more followers on your page. Here are a few tips and tricks to jumpstart your LinkedIn social media efforts:

On your company page

  • Fill out all the company page details, to help new followers find your page and easily see details on your firm [1]. Completed company pages or company pages with every field of information filled out, receive 30% more views than incomplete pages [1].
  • Update your profile picture and cover image to be consistent with your website and other social media platforms [1]. It may confuse people if you use an old logo or images that are inconsistent with your brand [1]. Your goal should be to make it abundantly clear that your company on LinkedIn is the same company (same branding, same colors, same voice, same style) as the company of everything else you do (your work, your social media, your website, your employees).
  • In your headline, customize your call-to-action button to drive the business action you want [1]. The options are: contact us, learn more, register, sign up, and visit website. Whichever copy you use; the link will guide your audience to the URL you designate. For most businesses, we would suggest using this button to drive back to your company website.

On your posts

LinkedIn as a platform wants posts to get clicked on and they want users to stay on the platform for as long as possible [2]. That said, consider how your posts can achieve these goals so your posts get more traction on the website [2].

  • Share long text posts with no images or links [2]. On a single LinkedIn post, about 1,300 characters, or 170 words, can be included [2]. When your text post gets to be roughly 100 words or more, a “see more” feature appears on your post. The “see more” feature cuts off your post and invites the reader to click “see more” in order to see your full post [2]. When users select “see more,” LinkedIn sees it as engagement on the post and your post will appear higher on users’ feeds [2].
  • Include six or more images in a post [2]. This creates another click opportunity where users can select “+1,” “+2,” etc. to see the remainder of your images [2]. Social Media Examiner recommends using your own images (not stock photography) and pictures that include people’s faces (rather than pictures of objects or landscape photography) [2]. For example, after your employees attend a conference, collect all the pictures they took together at different events and post them in one recap of the conference. This will be a great opportunity to post multiple images with actual people that work at your company.
  • Post PDFs to LinkedIn [2]. Your firm can post PDFs to LinkedIn and share them in a post [2]. LinkedIn loves this because users stay on their platform to view your content [2]. Though we will not recommend only sharing content viewable on the LinkedIn platform (it helps your business to drive people back to your website of course), it increases engagement to keep some content housed on the platform [2]. For example, adding a video to your post instead of linking out to YouTube [2].
  • Use hashtags [2]. Social Media Examiner recommends using three hashtags in each post [2]. You do not want to overwhelm your post with hashtags and you most certainly do not want to include hashtags not relevant to your content, but hashtags can help people find your content [2].

We hope these few tips for your page and your posts help you drive engagement to your LinkedIn company page! If you have questions or need any help, email us at hello@thewhitelabelcreative.com.


[1] https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/linkedin-company-pages?MessageRunDetailID=1149178191&PostID=10431034&utm_medium=email&utm_source=rasa_io

[2] https://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/how-to-get-more-linkedin-engagement-clicks/?omhide=true&utm_source=Newsletter&utm_medium=NewsletterIssue&utm_campaign=smenl20-nlweek3-nldaily-nltue